KnowHow that helps
Beginning delamination of the bonded layers
degraded - overloaded - hard-coated display or touch surface
an "anti scratch" touch surface after improper cleaning
massive mold infestation on the display front polarizer of a wrong systemic solution
the ITO-layer of a glass touch sensor degraded into very small fragments
degraded "ITO on PET"-layer of a touch sensor
Mold in the optical bond
Humidity due to capillary action in the BEF-film of backlights
Cleaning artifacts and bubble formation during optical bonding
non-compensated thermal expansions of different materials lead to failure
unstable and unsteady signals in the control lead to flicker and other disturbances
metallic and organic fibers from system integration for display problems
bad cables or bad line routing cause jitter and reflections in the data lines
incorrect timing for the display drive creates visible artifacts
leaking housings bring protective particles right into the display
unsuitable materials evaporate and condense with massive temperature changes
local change of retardation by material degradation create ghost pixels
Liquid crystals can also degrade - depending on quality
Display matrices are made of very thin glass - and break when integrated incorrectly
subsequently cut displays often have sealing problems - and corrode inside
thermally overloaded driver IC`s create faulty displays
chemical-physical degradation makes touch sensors unusable
Wetting-Effect optical films of unsuitable surface properties "stick" together
the display via the viewing angles depends on the optical design/properties
re-sized Displays often have unstable seals and are therefore less resilient
uncompensated shock and vibration generate local stress generates broken contacts
local change of retardation by material degradation create ghost pixels
"refurbished displays" only bring cost savings at first glance
Moisture in display systems leads to irreparable damage
Local thermal hotspots lead to overheating of driver ICs
cut displays often have problems at the "interfaces
clumsy construction and unsuitable cleaners destroy seals
Displays for humid environments require special constructions
Wrong GND concept and flashed wiring lead to massive EMC problems
Clumsy device design allows accumulation of contamination in critical areas
ACF areas (anisotropically conductive adhesives) are mechanically very sensitive
this is what the microscopic analysis of a good quality BEF-film looks like
No trick! The chair has no hole and yet everything underneath is illuminated!
this is what a microscope image of a poor quality BEF film looks like
2K or 3K optical bonding adhesives must be mixed well otherwise there are optical problems
electronic components usually don't like heat - this also applies to the TCPs of the display drivers
After Imaging/Ghost Images usually occur when combining several problems
Uneven illumination and similar problems often depend on the technical design
partial rows and column errors usually hang
Yellowing of the display area is mostly due to unsuitable material for the given application
LCD-Displays lose their display in the places that get too hot
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
KnowHow that helps
This MURA starry sky is evidence of an unsuitable material combination for this application
these MURA clouds indicate mechanical problems in the installation
the input ranges of the light sources are not compensated