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Understanding is followed by analysis: What is the cause? What can or must be done or undertaken? What are the next steps?

Physical, chemical and mechanical basics are considered as well as possible technical or human errors.
But analysis is even more important to us, because in order to eliminate the causes, it must first be clear at which point of the entire value chain the problem arises - and whether this problem can then actually "only" be solved at this point.

This much can be revealed here: many problems are systemic problems, which unfortunately cannot be eliminated or solved simply by changing a parameter/process/material etc.

In this case, it is necessary to regain an understanding of the entire process chain in order to not only find out that something is not as it should be, but also to find out why it is the way it is.


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In our analyses, we come across surprises from time to time: even the "liquid crystals" themselves can degrade irreparably under "normal conditions"



Wammes & Partner GmbH
An der Weidenmühle 2
D-67598 Gundersheim

Tel. +49 (0) 6244 / 9197-100
Fax +49 (0) 6244 / 9197-111 


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